Diogenes the Cynic

Cynicism is rife within our society. It has become a proxy for intelligence, as those who are cynical seem to be smarter than those who not. It is a guard against naivete. Well in light of this, I thought I could look at the lives of one of the most notable cynics: Diogenes.

 I don’t think most people realize that cynicism was a school of philosophy. It was a school in Ancient Athens which taught that human flourishing was achieved by rejecting convention and embracing a life according to nature. Cynics in essence took a negative view of human creations and needs. A cynic would have no possessions or material wealth, instead places all importance and value in life to their own thinking.

 And this is how Diogenes famously lived. He renounced everything which was conventional in life and kept only what was natural and reasonable. Diogenes famously lived in a tub on the side of the street. He realised he had no great need for a large home and that he could perfectly sustain life within a tub. He did all his business in public, exposed his body in public, defecated and even masturbated in the street. This all because to him it was perfectly reasonable and natural.

 Another famous story is one where Alexander the Great comes to Diogenes on who was sunbathing. Respecting the famous philosopher and expecting his praise, he asked him if he would like anything. Diogenes, who did not care about other people’s thoughts, social conventions or wealth of any kind, replied to the most powerful man on earth and said “Yes, stand a little out of my sun”. While most would have been pleased to see Alexander the great, Diogenes thought it not natural or reasonable to worship this man above any other.

 Along with his tub, he used to own a bowl in order to eat and drink. Until one day he saw a small boy cup his hands to eat and drink, he instantly realised that it was unreasonable to even need a bowl and swiftly renounced it.

 That is who Diogenes was. He put above all else nature and reason. He is an embodiment and good introduction to cynic philosophy. They believe that any worldly things which are unnatural and unnecessary only get in the way of human flourishing and their thinking. Cynicism is a distrust of anything that is not natural. It is a distrust of humans and everything they create.



