Free ‘Beginner Philosophy’ Community!
The Socratic Project
Ask yourself.
Have you ever wanted to understand Philosophy but thought yourself too dumb?
Have you ever tried, but gave up because you didn’t know where on earth to start?
Do you lead a busy life and just don’t have time to spend pouring over and deciphering philosophy books?
If the answer to any of those is YES…Well, great news! This community is for you!
This community is for people who have NO background in philosophy at all! I (a philosophy major) am doing ALL the work for you! I am reading the books, deciphering the language and ideas AND presenting it in an interesting, yet understandable way!
The BEST part is, it won’t take hours of effort on your part. All it requires is as much of a commitment you can make to it. I try to keep each piece of content below half an hour in length, so that it doesn’t take a huge time commitment to learn.
As well as my content though, you will be in a living and breathing community with other amateur philosophers too. So you don’t just have to listen to me! Philosophy is a subject which requires discussion and the exchange of ideas, and that’s what this community will provide!
Now you may be asking yourself, why should I study philosophy, what is the benefit?
Philosophy is the love of wisdom. It is about gaining an understanding of both ourselves AND the world around us.
WE live in a world with so much knowledge, everything is at our finger tips, but ever decreasing WISDOM.
Wisdom is what truly sets people apart. Studying philosophy helps you to reconcile knowledge with your values, morality and understanding of the world.
I’m not the only one to think this however, hear what others have to say about Philosophy!
Here’s what others have to say about Philosophy!
So, what is in the Socratic Project?
It is a community of like minded individuals. Other people who are beginning their journey of improvement through philosophy. You’ll be able to:
discuss ideas
ask questions
and see other peoples questions and ideas!
Unlimited access to free content which explains and goes through the best philosophy in the world, updated weekly - so there is never a shortage + Free resources to aid your understanding! I already have:
Ancient Greece Introduction
Stoic introduction
Module on Greek Mythology
Live Calls
A weekly live call with me and other members to discuss questions, concerns and bits and pieces which you may want to learn about - a chance to discuss this stuff live! This is where you can:
Ask questions
Suggest new topics
Discuss ideas with me directly!
First 30 members are FREE!!
The craziest thing about this community is that it is currently completely free to join. I have decided to let the FIRST 30 members in for free to get the ball rolling. Those members will be free until they leave. So you should join quick, or risk having to pay for this later!
Join this beautiful movement now!
My Story - Why I created this community!
I was a lonely child. I was effectively an only child, with my Siblings much older than me and I struggled to make a keep friends. The funny thing is, I didn't realise I was lonely until I managed to make some really great friends.
What I really thought about my childhood was how lucky I was. Without the constraint of friendship, I was left to my own devices to read, watch and listen to everything I possibly could. I was a sponge for anything interesting.
This included history, politics, science, current events and especially philosophy. This over many years has built quite a good understanding of many things, which aren't very pertinent to daily life.
But, one thing I realised when I actually made a good set of friends, is how little they knew about philosophy and history compared to me. So I had a problem. I had this, semi useful knowledge about the world, but no one to really discuss it with.
It meant that I would have to teach all of them while also trying to discuss with them things about philosophy and history. It was an ok plan but slightly difficult.
Thats when I decided I would start a skool community. This is where I can set up a classroom and create courses on all sorts of different subjects, sharing and developing some of my knowledge and I can also ask questions to the group where we can engage in debate.
So, if you've made it this far, you must be somewhat interested in learning more about philosophy and history, or want to just engage with me and my journey.
If you haven’t already, join me in my journey!